Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cuánto ganan las enfermeras en Estados Unidos

Cunto ganan las enfermeras en Estados Unidos En Estados Unidos, enfermerà ­a es una de las profesiones mejor pagadas y con mayor demanda de profesionales. Los salarios varà ­an segà ºn la especialidad, titulacià ³n, lugar de trabajo, aà ±os trabajados e, incluso, lugar de desempeà ±o laboral. Esta este artà ­culo se informa sobre cunto ganan de media las enfermeras en Estados Unidos, segà ºn datos de Medscape, Nurse Salary, PayScale y el Bureau de Estadà ­sticas Oficiales y teniendo en cuenta las tres grandes categorà ­as en las que se divide esta profesià ³n: LPN/LVP, tambià ©n conocidas como enfermeras vocacionalesRN, por las siglas en inglà ©s de Enfermeras RegistradasNP, por siglas en inglà ©s de Enfermeras Practicantes Finalmente, se especifican quà © documentos legales son necesarios para trabajar en Estados Unidos y quà © tipos de visa se pueden obtener para trabajar en el campo de la enfermerà ­a. Cunto ganan las LPN/LVP en Estados Unidos Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) son el equivalente de lo que en muchos paà ­ses hispanohablantes se conoce como auxiliar de enfermerà ­a. Desde el punto de vista acadà ©mico, los LVN y LPN se caracterizan por no haber cursado estudios universitarios de licenciatura en este rubro, sin embargo, deben pasar el examen de que se conoce como NCLEX-PN para trabajar en cualquiera de los 50 estados de EE.UU., el Distrito de Columbia y los territorios de Guam, Samoa, Marianas e Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas. De hecho, es posible trabajar como LVP o LPN con sà ³lo cursado la high school –lo que en algunos paà ­ses se llama bachillerato, prepa o liceo–, y, adems, haber completado ciertos cursos tà ©cnicos. Pueden ocuparse de de curar heridas, baà ±ar y dar de comer a los enfermos, poner inyecciones y similares. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual de LVP y de LPN a tiempo completo es de $42.400 brutos, es decir, antes de descontar impuestos. Para los que trabajan a tiempo parcial el pago medio es de $20,30 por hora. Sin embargo, existen grandes diferencias segà ºn el tipo de trabajo que se realiza, conocimientos acadà ©micos adicionales, experiencia, etc. Entre los factores que determinan el salario se encuentra el lugar geogrfico en el que se trabaja. Asà ­, los estados en los que LVP y LPN comandan las mejores nà ³minas son Connecticut, Nevada y Alaska, con salarios anuales promedio superiores a $52.000 brutos. En el otro lado de la balanza se encuentran Virginia Occidental, Dakota del Sur y Alabama, donde los salarios son ms bajos para estos profesionales. Por regià ³n, el rea no metropolitana donde los salarios son ms altos en el rea del sureste de Alaska y el rea metropolitana con mejor salario es la conformada por San Francisco-San Mateo-Redwood, donde el salario bruto anual medio es de $60.550. En la actualidad hay ms de 718.000 LVP y LPN trabajando en Estados Unidos, siendo los estados de Texas, California, Nueva York, Florida y Ohio los que emplean un mayor nà ºmero. Salarios de Enfermeras Registradas (RN) en Estados Unidos La mayorà ­a de las enfermeras en Estados Unidos pertenecen a esta categorà ­a. Pueden empezar a trabajar con estudios universitarios medios, lo que equivale a un Associate ´s Degree en USA. Si tienen una licenciatura, (B.S. por sus siglas en inglà ©s)  ganan ms. En todo caso, para trabajar en Estados Unidos, en cualquiera de los 50 estados, Washington D.C.. y todos sus territorios excepto Puerto Rico, es necesario pasar el examen que se conoce como NCLEX-RN. La isla de Puerto Rico sigue su propio sistema de certificacià ³n, pero los profesionales puertorriqueà ±os que desean trabajar en uno de los 50 estados o en los otros territorios de la Unià ³n necesitan pasar dicho examen. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual bruto de una RN a tiempo completo es de $67.930, mientras que para las RN a tiempo parcial el pago medio por hora es de $32.66. California, Hawaii y Massachussets son los estados en los que los salarios son ms altos, superando de media los $90.000 anuales brutos. Por otro lado, en Iowa es donde se obtiene el peor salario, siendo la media de $52.540 brutos anuales para RN a tiempo completo. Por reas, la que comanda los mejores salarios para RN es el rea conformada por San Josà ©-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, en el estado de California, donde el ingreso bruto anual medio es de $122.990. En cuanto a las especialidades que ms ganan dentro de la categorà ­a de RN destacan de anestesias, cuidados crà ­ticos o Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos y tambià ©n las comadronas certificadas. Pero sin duda la especialidad mejor pagada entre las RN es la de enfermerà ­a anestesista registrada y certificada (CRNA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Han concluido estudios de maestrà ­a con especialidad en anestesias y han aprobado un examen de certificacià ³n nacional aunque cada estado puede establecer regulaciones adicionales. Adems, en muchos estados pueden trabajar sin estar bajo la supervisià ³n de un mà ©dico anestesista. Pueden hacer una labor muy similar a estos, pero le resultan ms baratas a los hospitales. Esta es una especialidad conocida por sus altos niveles de estrà ©s y largas horas de trabajo. El salario medio de un profesional CRNA es de $157.000, siendo el punto de entrada $105.000 y siendo el punto ms alto $242.000 anuales brutos. En Estados Unidos, la distribucià ³n entre hombres y mujeres CRNA es prcticamente igual, habiendo un poco ms de varones en total. Es una de las pocas reas en enfermerà ­a donde los hombres son tan numerosos. Salario enfermeras especializadas o Nurse Practitioner (NP) Las enfermeras especializadas, conocidas en inglà ©s como Nurse Practitioner o NP, han completado, como mà ­nimo, estudios de maestrà ­a en esa especialidad. En algunos estados pueden recetar y trabajar independientemente de un mà ©dico. En la actualidad, el salario medio anual bruto es de $91.540 para las NP a tiempo completo. en el supuesto de trabajar a tiempo parcial, el pago medio bruto por hora se sità ºa en $43,97. Las diferencias de sueldo son grande, dependiendo de la especializacià ³n. Las que ms cobran son las especialistas en cuidado de recià ©n nacidos, en psiquiatrà ­a (ARNP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y cuidado de ancianos (AGNP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este à ºltimo caso, se prima con ms salario los conocimientos en mbitos mà ©dicos adicionales como diabetes o cuidados paliativos. Por geografà ­a, Alaska, Hawaii y Oregà ³n son los estados con los mejores salarios mientras que por reas, la metropolitana con sueldos ms altos en San Josà ©-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, en California, y en zona no rural el rea oriental del estado de Nuevo Mà ©xico. Por otro lado, los estados donde las NP reciben los salarios ms bajos son Illinois, Virginia Occidental y la ciudad de Washington D.C. Se estima que un total de 105.780 NP ejercen su profesià ³n en la actualidad en Estados Unidos, siendo California, Nueva York, Florida, Texas y Massachusetts los estados con ms trabajo. Visa para trabajar como enfermera/o a Estados Unidos Para trabajar legalmene en Estados Unidos es necesario tener una situacià ³n migratoria que permita hacerlo. Obviamente, los ciudadanos americanos pueden hacerlo, aunque en el caso de profesiones como la enfermerà ­a necesitan convalidar sus estudios si los han obtenido en otro paà ­s. Todos los que no son ciudadanos necesitan uno de estos tres documentos: tarjeta de residencia permanente, siendo vlida la que est sellada en el pasaporte permiso de trabajo,  que se dan en circunstancias muy concretas Visa de trabajo  que debe patrocinar el empleador En ocasiones, los empleadores estadounidenses pueden animarse a patrocinar una visa de trabajo. Las personas interesadas en explorar esta và ­a pueden consultar estas  10 agencias que buscan empresas que patrocinan y acompaà ±an a enfermeras extranjeras en el proceso de validar estudios y aprobar exmenes necesarios para poder trabajar en EU. En el caso de egresados en enfermerà ­a de nacionalidad mexicana siempre es particularmente de interà ©s consultar el enlace anterior ya que para ellos hay habilitado la visa TN para profesionales y la enfermerà ­a est incluida en el listado. Adems, todos los extranjeros sin importar nacionalidad pueden intentar buscar un patrocinador de una visa visas H-1B para profesionales. Si bien hay que tener en cuenta que cada aà ±o fiscal el nà ºmero de solicitudes para este tipo de visa supera al cupo disponible, por lo que se acaba determinando quià ©n gana la visa por loterà ­a. Si bien en este punto es conveniente destacar dos caracterà ­sticas de la visa H-1B. En primer lugar, las instituciones de investigacià ³n y educativas pueden patrocinar estas visas sin là ­mite anual en el nà ºmero. Por lo tanto, si se consigue un patrocinar de esta clase, podrà ­a obtenerse la visa en cualquier momento del aà ±o. En segundo lugar, los chilenos tienen reservado un nà ºmero de visas H-1B que sà ³lo ellos pueden utilizar. Como regla general, la oferta es superior a la demanda por lo que si se obtiene patrocinador y se cumplen todos los requisitos para obtener la visa, no habrà ­a, en principio, el problema de que se acabaron las visas H-1B para el aà ±o presente. Cuando mayor salario no equivale a mayor nivel de vida. El cobrar ms no siempre equivale a que se vive mejor ya que en Estados Unidos se pagan impuestos muchas veces ms altos que en el paà ­s de origen y adems las cosas son ms caras. Por esta razà ³n este  comparativo  salarial de 18 profesiones en 8 paà ­ses teniendo en cuenta diferencias en canasta alimentaria puede resultar de interà ©s para clarificar la situacià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Black Soldiers in the Civil War

The American Civil War was a conflict between the Union and the Confederacy. It was a war between the states. The North was fighting to abolish slavery and the South was fighting for their independence. During the war, roughly three million people fought for their cause. The majority of these three million soldiers are sung heroes. However, there are still those heros who people are unaware of. One rarely hears about these unsung heroes who were of tremendous assistance to the cause. These heroes are the southern slaves who became soldiers and joined the Union Army. Although many do not know of their role, the black soldiers played a very significant part in the American Civil war. There were many different black regiments that took part in the fight for freedom. Some examples of such regiments were the 54th Massachusetts, the Black Brigade of Cincinnatti, and the First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. In addition to these, there were also countless others. Hundreds of thousands of black men wanted the chance to fight for their freedom. The 54th Massachusetts was organized in March of 1863 at Camp Meigs, Readville, Massachusetts by Robert Gould Shaw. This was one of the first all black regiments formed. Free blacks from the north, particularly Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, made up this regiment. The main sacrifice made was life. Soon after being formed, the 54th engaged in battle at Battery Wagner. There was over 250 men killed. Included was the founder Colonel Shaw, who died on the crest of the enemy parapet shouting, â€Å"Forward, Fifty-fourth!†2 Several other members of the 54th either risked or lost their lives. One such person was Sgt.! William H. Carney. He received the Medal of Honor for risking his life in action. His actions were described as follows: â€Å"When the color sergeant was shot down, this soldier grasped the flag, led the way to the parapet, and planted the colors thereon. When the troo... Free Essays on Black Soldiers in the Civil War Free Essays on Black Soldiers in the Civil War The American Civil War was a conflict between the Union and the Confederacy. It was a war between the states. The North was fighting to abolish slavery and the South was fighting for their independence. During the war, roughly three million people fought for their cause. The majority of these three million soldiers are sung heroes. However, there are still those heros who people are unaware of. One rarely hears about these unsung heroes who were of tremendous assistance to the cause. These heroes are the southern slaves who became soldiers and joined the Union Army. Although many do not know of their role, the black soldiers played a very significant part in the American Civil war. There were many different black regiments that took part in the fight for freedom. Some examples of such regiments were the 54th Massachusetts, the Black Brigade of Cincinnatti, and the First Regiment South Carolina Volunteers. In addition to these, there were also countless others. Hundreds of thousands of black men wanted the chance to fight for their freedom. The 54th Massachusetts was organized in March of 1863 at Camp Meigs, Readville, Massachusetts by Robert Gould Shaw. This was one of the first all black regiments formed. Free blacks from the north, particularly Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, made up this regiment. The main sacrifice made was life. Soon after being formed, the 54th engaged in battle at Battery Wagner. There was over 250 men killed. Included was the founder Colonel Shaw, who died on the crest of the enemy parapet shouting, â€Å"Forward, Fifty-fourth!†2 Several other members of the 54th either risked or lost their lives. One such person was Sgt.! William H. Carney. He received the Medal of Honor for risking his life in action. His actions were described as follows: â€Å"When the color sergeant was shot down, this soldier grasped the flag, led the way to the parapet, and planted the colors thereon. When the troo...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Exploring the Logic of Experimental Design Assignment

Exploring the Logic of Experimental Design - Assignment Example Experiments are conducted by carrying out research studies, which attempt to put together information that is pertinent to the aims of the experiment. According to Jackson, the accomplishment of an experiment’s purpose is determined by its design and the way it is executed. Formal experiments evaluate physical entities while other modes of experimentation involve carrying out studies that involve observation and statistical surveys. The design of an experiment determines the feasibility of the intended results to the subject of the experiment, which makes experimental design a crucial factor in all analytical work (Scott, 2010). This paper seeks to highlight and explore the logic of experimental design, and how to apply them to create designs used in analytical research. Question #2 Experimental design is closely associated with methodology which are the steps taken to accomplish the task set out by the experimental design. An experiment is an inquiry into the intrinsic featur es of a subject, and it this inquiry requires a predetermined process of execution for it to serve its purpose (Jackson, 2012).The development or creation of an experiment stems from lack of information pertaining to the nature, function or purpose of an entity. Thus, this uncertainty and lack of knowledge prompts activities that are geared towards establishing and information concerning the unknown. Methodologies are ways of carrying out these activities, and they give rise to experimental designs that ensure these activities are purposely oriented. All endeavors that are carried out by man in an effort to gather information about a subject can be considered experiments or studies. This is because the sole purpose of an experiment is to account for or discount the nature and existence of a phenomenon. An experimental design accomplishes its purpose by ensuring that the methodology adhered to in an experiment is geared and oriented towards garnering the appropriate results in accord ance to the research hypothesis. Research hypotheses are the questions that experiments seek to answer by confirming their assumptions or disapproving their postulates. Question #3 The major advantage of experimental designs is that when they are properly conducted, they have the ability to illustrate causality. This is achieved by the degree to which the experiment’s parameters manipulate exposure to independent variables and elimination of confounding variables. For a study to qualify as a true experiment, the methodology should be designed in such a way as to exclude dependent variables (Scott, 2010). This is an aspect of experimental design that can be applied in educational studies to determine the cause and effect of both external and internal factors in an educational system. A disadvantage associated with experimental designs in an educational study is that they are difficult to design because they require a lot of human energy and resources. To effectively design an experiment focused on an educational system, it requires taking the behavior of the concerned parties, and in this case students, into the context of the experiment. This raises some hard to answer questions based on the ethical and moral consideration of the experimental group (Trochim, 2008). Question #4 Experiments are conducted using independent and dependent variabl

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Interview with Hinduism person Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interview with Hinduism person - Essay Example For example, Chitin explains that he eats meat while his wife does not eat meat or even eggs. This is clearly explains by the different cultures and religion prevalent in the country. Religion has also shaped him in Karma which clearly defines the kind of work one should follow. In regard to meat eating, Chitin comments that everybody has equal life to live and therefore, no one should kill anybody or any animal as all of them have the right to live. This explains why meat is not eaten by some Hindu groups. When asked about how religion has influenced him, Chitin goes ahead to explain how religion has highly influenced him and his way of life. There is a very big difference when it comes to Hinduism beliefs as this depends on the God followed by each person. The main God is Krishne, but Chitin follows Swami Narayan. However, there are millions and millions of Gods in the Hindu religion. Every person in Hinduism has different things and opinions to say because Hinduism multi-God relig ion, so every person follows different God (Hollins, 2009). The way of life of each Hindu depends on the God worshipped. ... That is, between 50% and 60% of the Hindu prefer to go to the temple for treatment. Treating people in the temple is a cultural thing for the Hindus hence the people of India do not go to government hospitals to seek treatment. However, the choice of where to seek treatment and whether to embrace western medicine is an individual choice. Aryuda is the terminology used for knowledge on different aspects of life including western medicine. The Indian people posses aryuda as they have knowledge differentiate between religion and western medicine and that is why the seek treatment at the temple. The Hinduism religion teaches some things and aspects about healthcare that western medicine denies or contradicts. For example, the Hindu people hold the belief that any person who came to life will one day go or even give free; this is termed as Kal. The western medicine contradicts this time cycle as they offer medicine to treat people and counter this cycle. Chitin further explains his religi on engages in things like exercise, diet, yoga, timely exercise and food habit as ways of engaging to healthcare. These activities help to improve the health of the people and keeps them fit which cushions them from sicknesses and diseases (Hollins, 2009). These activities clearly explain the level of acceptance of western healthcare. Some attributes of these activities are obtained from the western healthcare while others are part of their religion. Chitin also talks of how his religion promotes a certain kind of healthcare. Temple treatment is the kind of healthcare which the religion promotes for its people. For example, the people of India prefer â€Å"the best and the cheapest† so 50% to 60% of people go to the temple because they are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Wonders of Nature and the Operations of Creatures Essay Example for Free

Wonders of Nature and the Operations of Creatures Essay This essay will attempt to differentiate natural wonders that occur in the world, from what is described as miracles. It will also explore events classified as miracles, and examine whether miracles must have an immediate benefit, or if natural disasters can in some way, be defined as miracles as their consequences can fulfill the criteria for the purposes of miracles. This essay will not be questioning the existence of miracles as, for the purpose of this essay, they do. First one must seek to define what the different terms in the title are, by looking at how different philosophers and theologians have described them. David Hume, on miracles, seems to argue that there are indeed extraordinary events that occur, but they cannot justifiably be called miracles. The next term needing examination is â€Å"wonders of nature†. Science has shown us that nature is not a series of random events, and that it is governed by laws which make it in some way predictable; the law of gravity for example, which keeps the world revolving around the sun. The last term to be defined is, â€Å"operations of creatures†. This is not just the operation of living things. It can be applied to beings as small as atoms, or intangible concepts such as time. It is the operations of creatures that are often confused with miracles when they are coincidence. After clarifying what the question is looking for, this essay will look at examples of miraculous events and analyse them with focus on God’s being, particularly their role in revealing God’s being to creatures. Mary Hesse’ article, Miracles and the Laws of Nature, begins with a discussion of how the term miracle is applied in today’s society; â€Å"Someone may say ‘his recovery was a miracle’, or, ‘It was a miracle that a serious accident was avoided’†.[1] Whilst Hesse disregards this as likely not to be a divinely inspired, she goes onto talk about how, the conventional definition of a miracle, something that is a violation or turn against the natural order, is not so surprising, as we live in such a complicated world. Miracles are seen to be violations of the natural order, and examples can be found all over the world, in ancient and modern history. The most common examples in the Western world can be found in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament, which reveal God’s being, whether it is God’s direct action or God working through another being to create a miraculous event. This is what natural theology argues is the miracle’s being: to in some way reveal God, or to impart knowledge of some kind to someone. This can be seen in examples found in the Bible; the story of the burning bush, found in Exodus, where God imparted knowledge if himself to Moses, with both the great â€Å"I Am†, and in his plans to free the Israelites from Egypt. However, it is here that Hume draws his first criticism, questioning the validity of those that witness or experience the miracle: â€Å"We cannot trust that those who testify to miraculous events occurring are not being deceived, deluded or even lying. Also Humans are naturally drawn towards the miraculous, and love being dazzled by the mysterious, and they can often form unreasonable beliefs on the basis of these experiences, which should not trusted.†[2] Hume was traditionally an empiricist, and believed that for the claims of a miracle to be true it must reflect the experiences we already have learnt from. Because of this Hume would doubt the miraculous event of Jesus Christ, when he rose from the dead, as there is no experience on earth, other than this, that one can look to for a confirmation that such a thing is possible. Hume then assumes that such events are born from either delusion, or from people lying, for whatever motive. However scholars are often split in their opinion of Hume’s position on miracles, as it is possible to take his work as an argument against the possibility of miracles. Yet it is also possible to argue that Hume did believe that miraculous events could occur, however, as the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy writes: â€Å"only that justified belief in a miracle on the basis of testimony (may be) impossible.†[3] Hume was not alone in writing against the testimonies of people through history, as Wittgenstein writes: â€Å" A miracle is, as it were, a gesture which God makes. As a man sits quietly then makes an impressive gesture, God lets the world run on smoothly then accompanies the words of a saint by a symbolic occurrence, a gesture of nature, it would be an instance if, when a saint has spoken, the trees around him bowed, as if in reverence. – Now do I believe this happens? I don’t.†[4] Here Wittgenstein, whilst he says that he does not believe that miracles, as he believes they are defined, actually occur, he adds to the definition of what a miraculous event is with natural theology. Wittgenstein does not deny the possibility for them to be real, only that he is yet to be â€Å"impressed† by an event, as he does not find reports of such events enough to believe in them. The operations of creatures are often called miraculous, particularly when the scale of the event is massive, for example, the smallest of atoms have been seen to produce the hugest explosions. However, whether these are miracles or not is something to be debated. Certainly, when such events occur that goes against what is considered the normal flow of life, it is curious enough for one to refer to it as a miraculous event. However, this alone does not make such an event a miracle within natural theology. This is something that theologians, when writing about miracles, often draw their attention to first. Hesse writes that such events, which violate the laws of the natural order, but do not contain the same meaningfulness as what theists might define as miracles, are â€Å"the pointless demonstrations of a wonder-worker or magician†[5]. However, Hesse does not go any further with this classification, stating that such miracles contain qualities which also put them in the category of coincidence, or of divine purpose. The role of a miracle is to draw people to God, or to reveal his being in one form or another to mankind, and if that is so then something seemingly miraculous may be just coincidence. C.S. Lewis describes miracles as â€Å"an interference with nature by supernatural power†[6]. By this Lewis means that it could be nature itself performing these events, or it could be a divine being, â€Å"interfering† with the natural order. When Lewis talks about nature being the interfering party, he does not mean nature as an intelligent being, but he means from the naturalist’s belief, there is nothing else but nature. From this one could then argue that miracles are just coincidence. Miracles have been used by Jesus and by his apostles after his ascension to spread Christ’s message, an example of this is the miraculous event at Pentecost: â€Å"On the day of Pentecost all the Lord’s followers were together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from heaven like the sound of a mighty wind. It filled the house where they were meeting. Then they saw what looked like fiery tongues moving in all directions, and a tongue came and settled on each person there. The Holy Spirit took control of everyone, and they began speaking whatever languages the Spirit let them speak.†[7] This event can be called a miracle because it a purposeful act by The Holy Spirit, which enabled the apostles to talk in the different languages that they required to go out and spread their beliefs, something that is a demonstration of God’s being, as it is a revelation of his will. This event is also a demonstration of knowledge. In the event of Pentecost, we see the knowledge of language to the apostles, and as said above, an imparting of God’s intention. Michal Goodich supports this belief of the role of miracles in his book, Miracles and Wonders, in which he says: â€Å"The ultimate aim is to console and bring the faithful closer to God or to confound the nonbeliever or heretic.†[8] Goodich talks about one of the purposes of miracles here is to â€Å"bring the faithful closer to God†, which is very much a role that miracles fulfill, and this can be seen in examples from biblical passages such as the conversion of Saul, who became Paul, when God appeared to him, and he temporarily lost his sight. Paul, who was famous for his persecution of the early Christians went on to become one of the founding members of the church, and the New Testament contains some of his letters and his book â€Å"Acts of the Apostles†. This is an example of a miraculous event bringing people closer to God. It is clear that in the world, events occur that seem to be violations of the natural order. For many of these events, science has been able to explain why they happened, and for the majority of the oddities in the world they do not appear to serve any real purpose. However, there are examples in both ancient and modern times of events that, whilst they are violations of the nature order of the world, it is clear that they are not just random events, and that they were caused by a supernatural being, and they are for a purpose. The miracles worked by our Lord Jesus Christ, St. Augustine writes, are divine works which raise the human mind above visible things to understand what is divine[9]. This writing by Augustine also highlights another unique property that miracles possess, which can be difficult to find in other events, that is that miracles have a tendency to inspire change, and a renewed sense of God, even centuries after the actual event, as examples from the very earliest writing of the Bible still have said effects today. However, in today’s society with such a vast mix of belief systems and scientific explanations, it is incredibly difficult to distinguish between the wonders of nature and supernaturally inspired events. Even a brief study of any natural disaster in recent history will reveal mixes of opinions by both those directly affected by it and those who saw it through the media. For example, the recent earthquake in Haiti, where an already poverty stricken county is further devastated. Interviews shown on the media of those who suffered directly show that they believe this to be an act of God, and that it has only increased their faith and brought their families closer together. Yet there are opinions of those who have not suffered because of the event and yet question where is God in such a time, finding it hard to believe such an event of massive devastation can have positive outcomes. The grandfather of a 15 day old baby surviving 7 days buried in the rubble of her house was quoted by The Times saying, This wasnt the way Jesus wanted the baby to die. Everybody knew the baby was dead, except the Lord.[10] Overall, distinctions can be drawn between wonders of nature and operations of creatures, and miraculous events. It is said that miracles, in the traditional sense are literally violations of the laws of nature. That is, they defy what science believes is our understanding of the world. This is an a posteriori argument; our experience reveals what miracles are, as they are not something that can happen according to our knowledge of the mechanisms of the world. Richard Swinburne, in his article Violation of a Law of Nature, questions if such a term is applicable to events that seem less than ordinary: â€Å"I think that those who, like Hume, have used this or a similar expression have intended to mean by it an occurrence of a non-repeatable counter-instance to a law of nature†¦ But if we have good reason to believe that they have occurred and good reason to believe similar events would occur in similar circumstances, then undoubtedly we have good reason to believe that the formulae which we previously believed to be the laws of nature were not in fact such laws.†[11] Swinburne argues that events that are sometimes, possibly because of their outcomes or because of the number of those affected, deemed miraculous by people who have reason to believe it has religious significance, so therefore he concludes â€Å"miracles are events with a point in the overall scheme of things, and in a sense are very much regular† as Swinburne comments.[12] This points to the original issue that miracles, in comparison to the wonders of nature, depend upon personal opinions. It is clear if one believes a miracle to be a seemingly impossible event based on our experience of the laws of nature, then yes they can be distinguished from the wonders of nature, however, if one believes it to be any event, which holds religious significance, then it would be nigh impossible to distinguish miracles.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Male Expectations Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Effects of Male Expectations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Male expectations are ever present in our world creating an adverse effect on men making them feel inferior if they are unable to succeed financially. Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman explicitly shows just how harmful these expectations can be to a person and their families. The main character in the play Death of a Salesman Willy Loman is greatly affected by these male expectations. The man is expected to not only support his family but must also be able to climb to the top of the corporate ladder. Willy’s inability to succeed financially as expected from society in turn affects his two sons Biff and Happy and his loving wife Linda.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Willy’s oldest son Biff is the most affected by his father’s failures. Biff is more affected by his father’s failure to his mother than his father’s financial failures. Biff’s whole life is ruined when he finds out that his father is cheating on his mother after all she has done for him. When Biff realizes that he has been idolizing a failure he is devestated. Biffs life begins to tumble downhill uncontrollably. Biff is so affected by is father’s wrongdoings that is creates never-ending animosity between Willy and Biff. Biff feels that the reason him and his father are always fighting is because â€Å"he’s a fake and he doesn’t like anybody around who knows!† (Miller 1221) Happy, Willy’s younger son, is also greatly affected by Willy’s antics. Happy is affected differently than Biff because Happy never realizes that his father is a failure. Happy is always competing for his father’s attention but is never able to steal the spotlight away from Biff. Throughout the play Happy defends his father and never admits to himself that his father is the main reason for his and his brother’s failures in life. A downfall of the Loman boys is their father’s ideas of how to be successful in life. Willy builds up his sons so much that they end up failing. Willy fills his sons with hot air because he himself is the failure and cannot imagine his sons being the same way. Because of everything his father has instilled in him, Biff is so sure that being popular and well liked is the key to success. This belief leads to him flunking out of school and not making anything of his life. Willy has convinced his children that the most important thing in life... ...s own life because of the ideas Willy had instilled in him his entire life. Willy’s failure not only affects him but also his family because now they are left without a father and a husband. The belief Biff would be unable to succeed without his father’s life insurance money is enough to drive Willy to committ suicide. Willy believed that in death he would be giving Biff twenty thousand dollars to help him become a success. Male expectations put too much pressure on men to be the most successful. If a man does not achieve â€Å"the ultimate goal† he is made to feel inferior and like a failure. We see that in Death of a Salesman when a man is unable to achieve ultimate success it can destroy one’s life and can drive a person to insanity and suicide. Works Cited Gill, M.S. â€Å"Boning Up.† Rolling Stone; 3/19/92 Issue 626, p62. Miller, Arthur. Literature an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Kennedy, X.J., and Dana Gioia. New York: Pearson Longman, 2005. Sander, Fred M. â€Å"Psychoanalysis, Drama, and the Family: The Ever-Widening Scope.† Annual of Psychoanalysis; 2001, Vol. 29, p279. Siegel, Lee. â€Å"Cultural Misconceptions.† New Republic; 08/02/99, Vol. 221 Issue 5, p18. Male Expectations Essay -- essays research papers fc The Effects of Male Expectations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Male expectations are ever present in our world creating an adverse effect on men making them feel inferior if they are unable to succeed financially. Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman explicitly shows just how harmful these expectations can be to a person and their families. The main character in the play Death of a Salesman Willy Loman is greatly affected by these male expectations. The man is expected to not only support his family but must also be able to climb to the top of the corporate ladder. Willy’s inability to succeed financially as expected from society in turn affects his two sons Biff and Happy and his loving wife Linda.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Willy’s oldest son Biff is the most affected by his father’s failures. Biff is more affected by his father’s failure to his mother than his father’s financial failures. Biff’s whole life is ruined when he finds out that his father is cheating on his mother after all she has done for him. When Biff realizes that he has been idolizing a failure he is devestated. Biffs life begins to tumble downhill uncontrollably. Biff is so affected by is father’s wrongdoings that is creates never-ending animosity between Willy and Biff. Biff feels that the reason him and his father are always fighting is because â€Å"he’s a fake and he doesn’t like anybody around who knows!† (Miller 1221) Happy, Willy’s younger son, is also greatly affected by Willy’s antics. Happy is affected differently than Biff because Happy never realizes that his father is a failure. Happy is always competing for his father’s attention but is never able to steal the spotlight away from Biff. Throughout the play Happy defends his father and never admits to himself that his father is the main reason for his and his brother’s failures in life. A downfall of the Loman boys is their father’s ideas of how to be successful in life. Willy builds up his sons so much that they end up failing. Willy fills his sons with hot air because he himself is the failure and cannot imagine his sons being the same way. Because of everything his father has instilled in him, Biff is so sure that being popular and well liked is the key to success. This belief leads to him flunking out of school and not making anything of his life. Willy has convinced his children that the most important thing in life... ...s own life because of the ideas Willy had instilled in him his entire life. Willy’s failure not only affects him but also his family because now they are left without a father and a husband. The belief Biff would be unable to succeed without his father’s life insurance money is enough to drive Willy to committ suicide. Willy believed that in death he would be giving Biff twenty thousand dollars to help him become a success. Male expectations put too much pressure on men to be the most successful. If a man does not achieve â€Å"the ultimate goal† he is made to feel inferior and like a failure. We see that in Death of a Salesman when a man is unable to achieve ultimate success it can destroy one’s life and can drive a person to insanity and suicide. Works Cited Gill, M.S. â€Å"Boning Up.† Rolling Stone; 3/19/92 Issue 626, p62. Miller, Arthur. Literature an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Kennedy, X.J., and Dana Gioia. New York: Pearson Longman, 2005. Sander, Fred M. â€Å"Psychoanalysis, Drama, and the Family: The Ever-Widening Scope.† Annual of Psychoanalysis; 2001, Vol. 29, p279. Siegel, Lee. â€Å"Cultural Misconceptions.† New Republic; 08/02/99, Vol. 221 Issue 5, p18.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Darkness Is Coming, for Me, and You…

Chapter One: Sunday, October 20th, 1998 In the small town of Bloomberg's, 16 year old Caddis lived on Sunstroke. Suspicious and mysterious things were always going on in Bloomberg's. For example, Caddie's school, Crucified Hall, there are rumors going on there like: eerie echoes, flickering lights, dark shadows, and, believe it or not, some of the students told the principal that, well†¦ They saw ghosts! They say the ghosts walk the halls, moaning, and haunting†¦ But at night it's even freakier.Imagine going to a school, no lights, no one there, you hear eerie noises, the lights flicker where ever you go, then, you start engine dark and shadowy shadows. Freaky huh? Who would ever want to do that? Especially at night time? Well, guess what? This Just described Caddis perfectly! She always risks it. Let me tell you about Caddis. Her favorite color is neon green, she says it's soothing and it calms her. Her favorite cereal is Cheerios she will eat them every single breakfast i f she could! She loves bunnies, â€Å"They're fluffy and their nose is adorable when it twitches! † She exclaimed.She's shy but has lots of friends, and of course enemies! Who doesn't have enemies, right? Her friends were at a sleepover once with Caddis and wanted to play truth or dare, one of the girls named Lea gasped and said, â€Å"Guys! Did you see that? † They looked around, not realizing Lea was Joking but then Koala spoke in a quivering voice, â€Å"Oh my gosh, guys I saw it, I'm scared. † Then the other girls, except Caddis got freaked out, some not too scared not too calm, others were freaking out, Caddis was the only one not freaked out, and said â€Å"Guys, this happened last time, Lea always Just tries to spook us out! The girls then felt a cold chill up and down their spine. â€Å"Guys†¦ Did you feel that too!! † Gig asked, reeking out more, pulling a blanket over her head. â€Å"It might have Just been our minds playing tricks on us. † Caddis announced to the shivering girls under their blankets. There was a big bang somewhere in the room, Lea reached for her flashlight, grabbed it and turned it on. She turned it this way and that way looking all over the room under her blanket. The other girls peaked from under their blankets while Caddis sat next to Lea inspecting the room with the flashlight. See guys, it's nothing! † They all let a bunch of air out like they were holding their breath. â€Å"Um, Caddis, do you think you can turn on the light†¦ Yeastiness asked. Caddis took the flashlight, got up and saw the light switch across the room. She took a deep breath, held her breath and started walking toward the light switch, kind of scared. All the girls screamed when she turned off the flashlight, but in a flick of 5 seconds the light switch was on. They all let out a bunch of air again, relieved. â€Å"Thanks so much Caddis! What would we do with out you? † Gig thanked and asked. Eh, I' m not sure, probably sit in the darkness all night waiting for someone to walk in, but then you'd all scream. † Caddis giggled. Then everyone giggled. What a sleepover! Chapter 2: Monday, October 21st, 1998. She plopped her hand on the alarm clock for it to stop. She got up and rubbed her eyes, when she opened them she saw a girl sitting at her window sill, but in a blink of an eye she was gone. â€Å"Ham, Oh well. † Caddis said. She rushed downstairs starving, and saw her mom making waffles, bacon, eggs, and saw a cup of milk on the table. Caddis sat at the table and took a sip of her milk. Goodling Cat, who'd you sleep? † Caddie's mom always called her Cat as her nickname. â€Å"Great, thanks for the breakfast. † Caddie's mom smiled, a sign of saying yourself and placed Caddie's restart in front of Caddis on the table. Caddie's mom then put her plate of breakfast across from Caddie's plate on the table. She sat down and started eating like Caddis was. The re was a long silence and then Caddis spoke, â€Å"Mom†¦ Do we have any visitors? Like†¦ In the house? Maybe looking around the house? † Caddie's mom sat there thinking. â€Å"No sweets, I don't think so†¦ Why did you ask? Caddie's mom asked Caddis, worried. â€Å"Oh um no reason†¦ † Caddis told her, trying to calm her. Caddis finished breakfast and went up to her room when she heard a girl's laughter. It was spooky, like the laughter was laughing at Caddis like her pants fell down. Caddis looked around and saw nothing, she shrugged and continued up the stairs. She went into her room and got dressed for school. The usual Scares, t-shirt, light Jacket, and sneakers. She brushed through her brown curly hair. She fixed her hair, grabbed her backpack and went down stairs. â€Å"Bye mom, I'm walking, I know you have to work and I hate the bus. Caddis told her mom. â€Å"k honey, see you later, have fun! † Caddie's mom said. Caddis walked, head d own watching where she steps and saw her school ahead. As she walked in the school she realized she was late. Everyone was already in their classrooms learning, while she was Just arriving. She walked through the halls looking for her classroom. Caddis always gets mixed up with the classrooms. Before she went into her classroom she decided to go to the girl's restroom to wash her face, she was really tired. She swung open the door to the restroom and walked in, the door shutting by itself.She put her backpack down next to the sink and turned on the faucet. She put her hands under the water and looked in the mirror about to splash her face but noticed a child in a long white dress that as torn, her hair was a blond mess, her teeth were Just starting to get yellow, and she had marks under her eyes. Caddis splashed her face and looked behind her at nothing. The girl was gone and she wasn't in the mirror. Caddie's heart was beating fast. â€Å"It was nothing Caddis, Just get to classâ € ¦ † Caddis told herself unsure. She grabbed her backpack and saw two pale feet under a stall.The pale feet was bruised and Caddis could tell they were not sitting, actually it looked like they were standing, maybe peaking an eye in between the cracks in the stall at Caddis? Caddis walked UT of the restroom not very calm and marched to her classroom. She opened her classroom door and walked in but, was she ready to learn? Or ready to figure out what was going on? Chapter 3: Monday, October 21st, 1998, Cafeteria Caddis and the classes came out of their classrooms talking, laughing and heading all around the school while Caddis and her class headed to the Cafeteria.Caddis grabbed a plate of food and went to sit at a table with her friends, Lea, Gig, Yeastiness, Koala, and Brian or Bri for short. She sat down and picked at her food. â€Å"Caddis, why so quiet? † Koala wondered. The other girls looked at Caddis waiting for â€Å"k, guys, I keep on seeing this girl. Firs t when I woke up she was sitting on my window sill, Then I saw her in the restroom, she had a long white dress that was ripped, no shoes, her feet and skin were so pale. She had blond messy hair, and her teeth were Just starting turning yellow. † Caddis explained. The girls looked at catheter and got scared. W-what if it was a ghost? † Yeastiness asked shaking, no longer hungry for chicken nuggets. The girls sat there, letting everyone else around them fill their silence. â€Å"Guys†¦ We can't be serious. There is Just no way. Caddis told them. Caddis thought about it. â€Å"But what about the girl you saw? † Lea wondered. Caddis again thought harder. â€Å"Look guys, she wasn't a ghost, next time I will talk to her†¦ OK? † They started picking at their food. Brittany spoke, â€Å"She was a demon†¦ † There it was again, a long silence. Whatever was going on here, Caddis was determined to figure it out.Caddis got up and left the Cafete ria, leaving behind all the faces of her friends. Chapter 4: Monday, 11:00 P. M, 1998. Caddis was running, fast, running from a girl in a torn white dress, her hair was blond and a big mess, she was giggling spooky. Caddis went up to a cliff, stopped and turned around, having no where to go. The girl came up to her, stopped and giggled crazily at the sight of Caddis could fall any minute. â€Å"WHO ARE YOU! † Caddis screamed. The girl smiled, her eye twitching. â€Å"All I wanted was to play with you. † The girl said giggling. The girl got closer, while Caddis stretched back farther. I meant a name! † Caddis told the girl. The girl giggled again. â€Å"My name is Amine. † The girl answered. Caddis got unbalanced and almost fell off the cliff. â€Å"What do you want with me you demon! † The girl stopped smiling, her face transformed into a furious ace. She screamed, â€Å"NO NO! YOU SHALL NOT CALL ME THAT! † Narrate pushed Caddis off the cliff , giggling happily. Even though Amine was a demon, she had feelings, feelings that could never be described, maybe she didn't want to be like that. Caddis fell and screamed one last word, â€Å"DEMON! † When she hit the ground she woke up terrified from the nightmare.Caddis breathed deeply, frightened from the nightmare. â€Å"Amine†¦ † She whispered. Once she said that name her window swung open and her curtains flew in the wind coming into her room. Caddie's eyes widened when it happened and her heart was beating vastly. Caddis Jumped up to close her window, when she did there was a shadow behind the curtains. Caddis tried to see behind them without touching them, but she had to touch them, she grabbed it and swung it around looking behind it. There was nothing. She felt a cold breath on her neck. â€Å"Hi†¦ Amine. † Caddis whispered.Caddis heard moaning, that turned to echoing. The next step†¦ Haunting. Chapter 5: Tuesday, October 22nd, 1998 Ca ddis rushed downstairs again starving, ready to eat. She Just remembered her mom had to go to work early, she left an hour ago. Caddis grabbed a bowl and poured cheerios in her bowl. She grabbed the milk Jug in the fridge and poured it in her bowl of cheerios. She turned around with the milk Jug in her hand, screamed, and dropped the milk on the floor, the milk went all over the floor. Amine, the demon, was holding a bowl of strawberries. â€Å"Need strawberries? † Amine asked giggling.Caddis looked at the floor and gasped, when she looked up Amine was gone, leaving the strawberries on the counter. Caddis grabbed a rag and cleaned up thought. She took her bowl of cheerios to the table, set it down, and sat in a chair. She ate slowly, feeling like something was watching her†¦ Or someone. Caddis got a chill suddenly up and down her spine and right at the moment that happened, she heard foot steps upstairs. Caddis got up slowly, freaking out, her heart pumping right out of her chest and stepped back against the wall away from the stairs. The foot steps stopped and Caddis heard something breaking.She gasped and ran up the stairs. She looked all over the upstairs floor and finally in her room where she saw her room TRASHED! She heard spooky giggling. â€Å"What do you want with me, Amine? † Caddis wondered, sobbing. Amine then came out and appeared inferno of Caddis. Amine smiled a little. L want to re-create the picture of my death but†¦ † Amine walked around the room, light on her feet and continued, â€Å"The picture will be different, the picture wont have me included . It will have someone else in my spot. † Amine picked up a Jerry box and opened it, she touched a ballerina inside of it and it twirled slowly, dancing to music.Amine smiled a bit. â€Å"But I didn't kill you. † Caddis argued. Caddis looked at what Amine was doing and stepped back a bit. â€Å"Yes but, this house†¦ Your room, well†¦ † A mine said that and stopped trying to find the right words. â€Å"WELL? † Caddis started to get impatient. This room used to be my room, and I figured out the girl who pushed me†¦ † Amine told Caddis again stopping. Caddis was starting to get really impatient and stomped her foot. Amine looked at Caddis and smiled, her eye started to twitch again. â€Å"Your cousin killed me! She came up to me and Just pushed me! We were the besters friends†¦ Amine told her. Caddis thought about what Amine said and repeated the words that Amine said to herself in her head. Caddis spoke, â€Å"It was probably an accident, she would never do such a thing†¦ † Some how Caddis knew which cousin Amine was talking about. Amine was furious. â€Å"You don't get it! I need to kill you because then it's a freebie! Your cousin Nicole will be so depressed you're gone, her favorite cousin, she will kill herself to be with you! You're like a sister to her†¦ Besides, you sto le my room. † Amine explained. Amine slammed the Jerry box closed, the ballerina snapping and threw it.Amine moaned deeply and went through the wall and left a cold gust of wind behind. Caddis knew Amine was gone†¦ For now. She realized the time and gasped. â€Å"I'M AN HOUR LATE FOR SCHOOL! † She screeched. Caddis got dressed, a t- shirt, Scares, and sneakers. She brushed through her naughty, curly, brown hair, and axed it up, rushing. She brushed her teeth, grabbed her backpack and ran out the door heading for the school. She was breathing deeply when she arrived. She went into the school and was not ready to learn at all, actually she needed to figure out what Amine had in mind for Caddis.Chapter 6: Tuesday, October 23rd, 1998, Cafeteria Caddis stared at the floor and walked slowly to the Cafeteria. She walked in and grabbed a plate of food. She went to sit with her friends. Caddis stared at her food, daydreaming. â€Å"Hey Caddis! † Gig said. Lea snapped her fingers in front of Caddis and Caddis looked up. â€Å"Oh†¦ Hey. † Caddis said. The girls looked at catheter and knew something was wrong with Caddis. â€Å"Caddis, hey what's wrong? † Yeastiness asked worried. Caddis played with her food and began to sob. â€Å"Oh guys it's terrible! The demon, her name is Amine!She wants to kill me because my cousin, Nicole, the picture of her death? Oh guys, what do I do! † Caddis sobbed into her napkin. They all stared at Caddis not knowing what to say. â€Å"Caddis†¦ ‘ don't know what to tell you, I'm really sorry†¦ † Lea said feeling bad. â€Å"Caddis is there a way to stop her or something? † Brian wondered. Caddis thought about it, she had no idea when Amine would do it. I-I have no idea when Amine will re-create the picture†¦ But I have a plan. Meet me at Broomstick's Park tomorrow after school. † Caddis said that, got up and left the Cafeteria. Chapter 7: Wednesday, Oc tober 24th, Bloodstain's Park.Caddis arrived at Broomstick's Park and was surprised to see a familiar face there. Guess who, Amine†¦ What a surprise. Caddis walked slowly toward her. Amine was looking at her surroundings as she was sitting on a bench. She looked at a few birds, flowers and other children playing. Amine looked up and smiled at Caddis, she waved to Caddis and patted on the bench next to her. Caddis didn't move, she didn't blink, she didn't even breathe. Amine stopped smiling, and 5 seconds later smiled again. She got up and floated to Caddis, grabbed her hand and yanked her to the bench, forcing her to sit down.Amine sat down and Caddis sat as far away as possible from Amine. â€Å"Awful, isn't it? † Amine said looking around her. Caddis looked down at her feet like she wasn't supposed to hear that. Amine continued, â€Å"l used to love this park. It was my favorite place when I was alive. Ah, I remember when I use to hide behind that particular tree and scare the little children. † Amine told Caddis pointing at the tree. Caddis looked up at the tree, it was odd-looking. A dark shade of green and it had no sun any where near it. Caddis knew why Amine was so wicked, she was Just as wicked when she was alive. Caddis looked at the trees' surroundings.A few dead flowers, dark and dead grass, and most of all, no one ever went near that tree. It always gave you a cold chill up and down your spine, like if you touched it you'd be haunted. Everyone always believed that and it is true because of Amine. â€Å"l think I'm ready to know†¦ How did you die? † Caddis wondered looking at Amine waiting for a respond. Amine stopped smiling. She sighed. â€Å"It all started at Insole's house, your devilish cousin, an-† Caddis cut her off, got up and said â€Å"Nicole wasn't devilish! She was an angel. † Amine clenched her teeth and said â€Å"You wouldn't understand, do you want to hear the story or not†¦ Caddis s at back down and listened. â€Å"Anyway, I wanted to climb the roof with her, she said it's too dangerous we could be killed and if we do live through it, my parent's would kill me. I said so what, take a chance! She was still not sure about it but she agreed to me, she admitted she only did it because she was afraid of me, surprisingly. We went up to he roof, I climbed it first and then she climbed it slowly. The roof was a triangle shape. I dared her to walk it, she said no. I did and I said now you have to do it because I did it. She sobbed while I yelled at her to do it.She started walking, I came closer to help her. She almost fell and tried to push me away, yelling not to help. When she did that she pushed me and I fell backwards screaming. I saw her last expression, her hands were covered over her mouth and she sobbed more. I absolutely hate her, I Just despise her now and however was in her family. † Amine explained this all in 1 minute, Caddie's eyes widened. Nicole was really upset because-† Amine cut Caddis off and shouted, â€Å"NO, NO SHE WASN'T! I visited her the day after I died, there she was throwing out memories of us! She was ripping pictures know what she said?She said she didn't want to remember me because of two reasons, one it was too sad and two she was scared of me realizing she killed me. † Caddis sat there clueless of what to say while Amine growled and flew into the sky leaving a gust of cold chills up and down Caddie's back. She then heard talking and laughter, she looked up and saw her friends. She smiled a bit to see them. â€Å"Hey Caddis!!! Gig waved. They all came and sat next to Caddis on the bench. Caddis stopped smiling and looked down. â€Å"Guys†¦ Amine told me how she died†¦ So now I know exactly what she is going to do to me†¦ Caddis told them and continued, filling in everything Amine told her. â€Å"Wow†¦ Lam so sorry Caddis, do you got an idea? † Lea apologized and ask ed. Caddis then explained a good plan, but she told them the only flaw to it is she doesn't know when Amine will kill her. â€Å"k, let's Just settle down and we can think of something tomorrow. † Yeastiness decided. Caddis nodded, got up, and walked away, heading for home. Caddis said to herself in her head two words, I'm dead†¦ Chapter 8: Thursday, October 25th, 1998. Caddis woke up from a nightmare about the place of where Amine would take her.Caddis got out of bed and went downstairs, ready for breakfast. She saw her mom getting ready for work. â€Å"Cat honey, you'll going have to make yourself breakfast again, they called me in early for work. † Caddie's mom told her rushing to get ready. Caddis nodded and got out a bowl, and then a box of cheerios. Caddie's mom looked at Caddis and felt her cheeks and forehead. â€Å"Sweetheart, you're sick you have to stay home today. † Caddie's mom told her. Caddis moaned, wanting to go to school where there is a l ot of people, instead, she has to be home†¦ And not exactly alone. Amine would be with her of course.Caddis heard giggling. Caddie's mom checked Caddie's temperature and said, â€Å"Yep, looks like you're staying home. † She showed Caddie's temperature. It was 100. 3†¦ Great. Caddis thought. Caddie's mom smiled, kissed Caddis on the forehead, grabbed her purse and left, blowing a kiss goodbye. Caddis poured milk into her cereal and started eating it, leaving the milk on the counter and she stood while she ate it. Amine yanked Caddis up the stairs ND opened a secret door in the ceiling that led to the attic. Caddis climbed the ladder into the attic and saw old, dusty boxes. â€Å"Open this one. Amine said pushing it close to her. Caddis sat down crisis-crossed and tore it open, she gasped when she saw tons of beautiful white silk dresses, all with different designs and different length. She took out the one on the top, it was designed with beautiful white roses, the length was down to her ankles and it was white and silky. Amine smiled, her eye was twitching. â€Å"This one was my favorite, go ahead, put it on. † Amine demented nicely but it seemed she didn't really. Caddis hesitated, she didn't want to put on a dress of a dead girl but she did so she wouldn't make Amine angry.Amine then told Caddis to open another one. Caddis did and when she did, she saw a box full of at least two dozen dolls. She searched through it and pulled out a doll that was wearing her dress. She hugged it but she didn't mean to. She had no idea what she was thinking when she hugged Amine's doll and put on Amine's dress. â€Å"Come, let's fix your hair. † Amine suggested, sitting Caddis down in front of a mirror. Amine twisted and pulled at Caddie's hair then she wrapped it in white ribbon. Perfect, you almost look as beautiful as I do. † Amine assured Caddis. Caddis shut.I will name this doll Sophia. Thought Caddis. â€Å"This doll was my most fa vorite, so was the dress, her name is Hated. You've heard McDonald, well this is Hated. Get it? Spell it backwards. † Amine told her, smiling. Caddis took a minute to think about it. D-e-a†¦ -t-†¦. H. Death†¦ Caddis thought. Caddis dropped the doll on the floor. Amine smiled, grabbed the doll and floated through the window, leaving behind Caddis unanswered. Caddis ripped off the dress roughly, seriously ripping it. She goosed it in the box and along with the ribbon. She closed the boxes, left the attic and went to her room.When she entered her room she saw something familiar on her bed staring at the doorway and now Caddis. It was†¦ Hated. Chapter 9: Friday, October 28th, 1998. Yesterday, Caddis put Hated in the attic. Amine didn't show up since then. Caddis got out of bed, there was no school today. It was teacher's day. Caddis went downstairs and saw breakfast made on the counter with a note. It read: Had to go to work early. Love you! Caddis took the bre akfast, strawberries, bacon, eggs, and a banana. She set it on the table and ate. Amine came and sat down across from Caddis.She snatched a strawberry off Caddie's plate and ate it. â€Å"l love strawberries. † Amine said eating the Juicy red strawberry. Caddis was done eating and put her plates on the counter. â€Å"When will you kill me Amine. † Caddis asked afraid. Amine floated around the room. â€Å"Ham, let's go right now, it's supposed to rain today. † Amine answered. Amine grabbed Caddie's hand and pulled her out of the house, through the woods, and arrived at Insole's house. Caddis tried to pull away but it was no use. Amine dragged her into Insole's house, up the stairs and onto a bedroom.Amine opened the window and climbed onto the ledge of the roof. â€Å"Let's go! † Amine yelled, climbing the roof. Caddis hung onto the ledge and pulled herself up, it was the same as monkey bars except she was going upwards diagonal. Caddis arrived at the top of the triangular roof and held onto the chimney as she stepped onto the roof. She saw clouds coming with thunder and lightning. All of a sudden rain poured down like a waterfall in the town. Amine looked up and spread her arms out like she was absorbing the rain. Amine looked at Caddis and giggled at Caddie's terrified face. k, so it's very simple.Just walk from this chimney to that chimney. † Amine told Caddis pointing at the chimney that was on the other side of the house. Amine started to walk to the other side, her arms spread out balancing herself. She touched the chimney on the other side. â€Å"k! Now you do it! † Amine yelled over to Caddis. Caddis started to bawl saying, â€Å"l can't do it! I can't do it, please Amine! † Amine giggled and walked over to Caddis, grabbed her hand and pulled her a little. Amine let go and stepped back. Caddis took one step and almost slipped from the rain on the roof that made it slippery.Amine took Caddie's hand seeing h ow Caddis was very unbalanced leaning this way and that way. Caddis tried to take her hand away. â€Å"Stop, don't help me! † Caddis screamed frustrated. She tried to push Amine away thinking if she did push Amine nothing would happen but Caddis was wrong. She pushed Amine and Amine fell backwards Just as before when Nicole did it. Amine fell screaming and fell in a puddle. Caddis climbed down from the roof, ran down the stairs and out the door of where Amine fell. She didn't see Amine there. Caddis ran through the forest not minding her face was being mound Amine's grave and read it.Here lies Amine. The wicked one who will return. Chapter 10: Friday, April 28, 1999. Six Months Later†¦ Caddis kneeled at Amine's grave inspecting it more. Caddis had a feeling inside of her that Amine was gone†¦ For good. Caddis got up and left, heading for home. There was a gust of wind that surrounded the grave, leaves flew in the air following the wind, and suddenly stopped. Amine's head popped out of the soil and she smiled her teeth were yellow. She dug her nails into the soil and yanked herself out of the ground and stood up. Amine was back and ready for revenge.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Lighthouse of Alexandria

The upper platform at night burning a fire fed with wood and resin. Legend has it that Stratton sought for a long time for the foundation, a material that resists salt water, and finally built the tower of giant blocks of glass. In 1373 an earthquake destroyed the remains of the tower. Its ruins have been searched in vain. (Dunn). Illustrious memory of that great era was for many centuries, the famous lighthouse of Alexandria. Sailing near the coast, on foggy days and at night, made necessary the placement of large permanent fixtures In certain ports and cables on the Mediterranean coast.At the time the deal Is for Just one of the most Important works of the ancients, considered In those days as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I mean the great lighthouse of Alexandria. It seems that this name should be the beacon of the small island where they raised at the entrance of the harbor, and later served to name the sites and devices that have since been constructed for the same purp ose. Plink and other ancient authors describe the magnificent building which was built northwest of the island of Pharaohs, during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphia, n the years 285 to 247 SC.Its builder was Stratton of Census, son of DimГ ¶crates, who, in turn, had been an architect of Alexander. (Ministry of culture). On a large block of glass is not attacked by the sea â€Å", there stood a white marble tower, divided into smaller and smaller bodies to reach the 160 meters [Dries speaks of 55 to 65 meters; others raise It to 183]. (Ashman). At the top was a large brazier, 11th day and night, with a kind of lens-shaped mirror, which was put before the call to send light rays to greater distance.In the basement of the great work you read the Inscription: Stratton of Census, son of DimГ ¶crates, the saviors, for those who sail the sea. The Arabs continued to use the famous lighthouse after conquering Egypt in the ninth century of our era. An emperor of Constantinople, t o hinder the navigation of those, decided to destroy it, but, lacking the strength to oppose against the caliph, owner of the country, went to the craft. He sent an emissary to the powerful AY-Wald, with the slogan of thinking it was a great treasure at the base of the very high tower.The caliph ordered its demolition, until, warned, perhaps, misleading, destructive work was suspended when she had done for the most part. An earthquake happened in 1375 consummated the destruction of the wonderful work due to Stratton of Unkind. (A. CalmNZ-Land). As If sensing that something was coming to an end, Alexandria kept the world's largest library, a library that tried to preserve â€Å"that was his ambition, all human knowledge. Next to It and above It stood the lighthouse. Next to the lighthouse were the markets and docks and warehouses.Alongside them, the tomb AT Alexander, rater ten palaces AT Kilns Ana queens slang, ten world's TLS synagogues, temples of the esoteric sects, the accounti ng of the merchants, brothels and shops, perfect palaces bleached the richest citizens and then rows of large churches, each with rowdy monks and bones of martyrs, and one of them with the relics of the San Marco's. And all this time, the big city, devouring ran as fast as a machine its daily course, and his career was much harder and much farther reaching Han many older cities.In his day, and if the day was very long, Alexandria was the most exciting place on earth. (Clement) Of all the cities that Alexander founded Alexandria in Egypt was the greatest of all (Whiten). As Caesar himself wrote (and Caesar fought and nearly died in Alexandria), Egypt was the door of the lighthouse beacon that soars and was the symbol of commerce and energy of the city, and also the symbol of the seizure order Alexandra urban planted throughout the ancient East. Noon and Elizabeth Roomer)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on English As The Official Language Of The US

There is a continuing debate among politicians and political groups about whether or not English should be made the official language of the United States. This change would mean that all government services and documents (ballots, driver’s license tests) would be available only in English. Supporters of this policy are anxiously waiting to see whether or not The English Language Unity Act of 2003 is officially implemented into the Federal government (4). I am opposed to this implementation and in the following paragraphs, I hope to convince you that making English the official language of the US is not only irrational, but also that if implemented, it could adversely affect the quality of our culture. According to an article by Deborah Schildraut (1), 26 US states have already declared English as their official language and that several surveys have shown that more than 80% of Americans support the notion. However, these Americans may not be considering the fact that social and cultural environments do tend to vary from state to state and the potential cultural repercussions. There are some states that couldn’t possibly have English as their official language because of their immigrant population. How fair would it be to only print election ballots in English in a state that hosts entire communities and even cities of non-English speakers? A news story published in The Associated Press (2) reveals how The English Language Unity Act would in fact violate Civil Rights Act of 1964. The article tells about a woman named Martha Sandoval who sued home state of Alabama for not allowing her to take her drivers license test in her first language of Spanish. She won on the grounds that The Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no organization may â€Å"discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.† This story gives warning of many similar cases that would ensue if English were made the official language of the US. ... Free Essays on English As The Official Language Of The US Free Essays on English As The Official Language Of The US There is a continuing debate among politicians and political groups about whether or not English should be made the official language of the United States. This change would mean that all government services and documents (ballots, driver’s license tests) would be available only in English. Supporters of this policy are anxiously waiting to see whether or not The English Language Unity Act of 2003 is officially implemented into the Federal government (4). I am opposed to this implementation and in the following paragraphs, I hope to convince you that making English the official language of the US is not only irrational, but also that if implemented, it could adversely affect the quality of our culture. According to an article by Deborah Schildraut (1), 26 US states have already declared English as their official language and that several surveys have shown that more than 80% of Americans support the notion. However, these Americans may not be considering the fact that social and cultural environments do tend to vary from state to state and the potential cultural repercussions. There are some states that couldn’t possibly have English as their official language because of their immigrant population. How fair would it be to only print election ballots in English in a state that hosts entire communities and even cities of non-English speakers? A news story published in The Associated Press (2) reveals how The English Language Unity Act would in fact violate Civil Rights Act of 1964. The article tells about a woman named Martha Sandoval who sued home state of Alabama for not allowing her to take her drivers license test in her first language of Spanish. She won on the grounds that The Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no organization may â€Å"discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.† This story gives warning of many similar cases that would ensue if English were made the official language of the US. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ch. Solutions Essay Example

Ch. Solutions Essay Example Ch. Solutions Paper Ch. Solutions Paper DADS uses one upload speed from the consumer to an ISP and a faster download peed. SODS uses equal bandwidths in both directions. 4 Among satellite, cable Internet, and DSL, which technology experiences more latency? Satellite 5. When using DSL to connect to the Internet, the data transmission shares the cabling with what other technology? Regular telephone 6. When using cable Internet, the data transmission shares the cabling with what other technology? Television 7. What is the name of the port used by an Ethernet cable? What is the name of the port used by a dial-up modem? ARC-45, ARC-II 8. If you want to upgrade your I Cobalt Ethernet network so that it will run bout 10 times the current speed, what technology would you use? Gigabit Ethernet or I Boasts 9. What is the maximum length off cable on a Bassett network? 100 meters or 328 feet 10. What does the 100 in the name Bassett indicate? The transmission speed of the network, which is 100 Mbps. 11. Which type of networking cable is more reliable, STEP or LIT? Which is used on Lana? STEP is more reliable, CITY is used on Lana 12. Which is more expensive, HTTP Cater cabling or STEP Cater cabling? STEP Cater is more expensive because it is shielded 13. When looking at a network cable that is not labeled. Scribe how you can tell if the cable is a straight-through cable or a crossover cable. Carefully examine the colors of the wires that you can see through the clear plastic RAJA connector. 14 What technology is used when power is transmitted on a network cable? Power over Ethernet (POE) 15. Describe the difference between a hub and a switch. A hub is a pass-through device that transmits all frames to all devices it is connected to except the device sending the frame. A switch is smarter and transmits frames only to the device to which the frame is addressed, or, if the MAC address table doesnt have a particular entry, the switch operates like a hub and sends the frame out to all devices except to the one sending the frame. 16, How is a wireless access point that is also a bridge more efficient in handling network traffic than a wireless access point that is not a bridge? Because the bridge limits the amount of traffic bet,even the two network segments. It allows only the traffic to pass that is destined for the other segment. 17. What type of cable uses an F connector? TV coax cable 18. Why does a ACTA cable have a plastic core? Which two types of cabling is commended for Gigabit Ethernet? TO keep the pairs Of demisted Wires separated which reduces crosstalk. CAT-e and ACTA 19. How many wires does a ACTA cable have? A Cater cable? A coaxial cable? Eight, eight, one 20. Which tool can you use to verify that a nonvoter port on a computer is good? Lubbock plug 21 After making a straight-through cable, which tool can you use to certify the cable? Cable tester 22. Which tool can help you find a network cable in the walls of a building? Toner probe 23, Which tool is used to fair-only attach a RAJA connector to a network cable? Crimper 4, Which tool can help you find out which wall jack connects to which port on a switch in an electrical closet? Lubbock plug 25, Name b,vow places where you might find a keystone ROSS jack in a building. In a patch panel in the network closet and in a RAJA wall jack 26. List the number assigned each pair and the color of each pair used in twisted-pair networking cables. Pair 1 is blue; pair 2 is orange; pair 3 is green, and pair 4 is brown. 27. What two standards are used to wire networking cables? 56TH and TABS 28 Of the two standards in Question 26, Which standard is the most common? Which is required for all U. S. Government installations? TABS, 56TH 29. Using either Of the two Wiring standards, What are the colors Of the two pairs used to send and/or receive data on a Bassett N.B.,fork? Green and orange 30. HOW many pairs Of Wires are crossed in a crossover cable that Will work on a Bassett network? On a Bassett network? Two pair, four pair 31. To prevent crosstalk in a keystone RAJA jack, what is the minimum length of wire that should be untwisted? H inch Thinking critically 1. Linda has been assigned the job of connecting five computers to a network. The room holding the five computers has three network jacks that connect to a switch in an electrical closet down the hallway. Linda decides to install a second switch in the room. The new switch has tour network ports. She uses one port to connect the switch to a wall jack, Novo she has five ports available (two wall jacks and three switch ports). While installing and configuring the Nice in the five computers, she discovers that the PCs connected to the two wall jacks work fine, but the three connected to the switch refuse to communicate with the network. What could be wrong and what should she try next? Answer: Try connecting one of the non-working computers to a wall jack. If that works, then the problem is the switch, the cable connecting the switch to the wall jack, or the wall jack the switch is using. First try installing the switch on a known-good jack. Then replace the cable to the switch; then replace the switch. 2. If a Gigabit Ethernet NICE is having a problem communicating with a Bassett switch that only supports half duplex, what steps can you take to manually set the NICE to the speed and duplex used by the switch? Which speed and duplex should you choose? GO to Device Manager and Open the properties box for the NICE. Click the Link Speed tab and select 100 Mbps Half Duplex. 3. You connect a computer to an RI-AS wall jack using a straight-through cable. When you first open the browser on the computer, you discover it does not have Internet access. Order the following Steps in the correct order to troubleshoot the problem. A. Use a Lubbock plug to verify the network port on the computer. B. Rewire the keystone R]45 wall jack. C. Use a Lubbock plug to verify the network port in the wall jack. D. Exchange the straight-through cable for a known good one. E.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Final 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final 3 - Essay Example If successfully done, money laundering permits the criminals to have control over their incomes and lead to give a lawful cover up for income source. Money laundering plays a basic role in the goals of the terrorist, drug trafficker, the planned criminal, the tax evader, the inside dealer, also as many people who eschew the type of notice from establishment that abrupt wealth comes about from unlawful activities (Haggart, B., 2001). How is money laundered? There are various techniques of money laundering. The technique of prohibited money import is best when introductory traces are disappeared in the initial stage, finally leading to envoy or by the international transport gives physically the money to another country where rule of money market is not much developed or the legislation likes banking system. One good method of money laundering is nominal or smurfing partnership. In this technique, a group of couriers such as nominal partner or smurf keeps little amounts of deposits eac h day in different financial institutions. All the deposits are less than the amount which is less than the amount which asks for the attention of banks, value is less than the report limit. Money laundering- an international threat Money Laundering is seen as a personal improvement by few people, to the loss of many people. It draws up many resources from the public sector and also deterrent growth and investment. Money Laundering is the process via which the indignant suffer most (Haggart, B., 2001). According to IMF, the estimated global money laundering is approximately between $600 billion to $1.8 trillion per year. Former President Mobutu of Zaire stole approximately more than ten billion US dollars when he was in power. Nigeria also received help of around $1.1 billion for international development but Abacha stole almost $6 billion in his regime for himself and his family (Haggart, B., 2001). International Response to Money Laundering United States have been of the fore fron t in combating money laundering. The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) which obliges the broad record reporting and keeping requirements on the financial institutions in an attempt to give the law enforcement agencies with records of financial obligations. The money laundering control Act of 1986 prevents the circumvention of the requirements set by BSA by which criminal liability is created for the individuals who carry out the transactions for money having any reason, or conducting the requirements of money knowingly, that the people concerned were involved in illegal activity (Gilmore, 1999). United Kingdom is also dedicated towards the Financial Action Task (FATF) which is concerned in taking actions against the money laundering. The recommendations on the terrorist financing comply with minimum international ways to safeguard against the illegitimate act of money laundering (Gilmore, 1999). Factors that have allowed Russian organized crime to flourish since the dissolution of the USSR The political and economic instability which followed the termination of Soviet Union in 1991 permitted a planned crime to merge all of its groups in Russia. The government held many huge enterprises and also role in formulating

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hospitality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Hospitality Management - Essay Example Wal-Mart offers a wide range of variety having more than 30 departments at all the outlets, that has rendered the company to be the market leader in general merchandise industry and it has consistently been able to secure the name in Fortune 500 (Walmart, 2014). â€Å"Saving people money to help them live better was the goal that Sam Walton envisioned when he opened the doors to the first Walmart ®. This focus drives everything we do at Walmart. And, for the millions of customers who shop in our stores around the world each week, it means they can trust that our brand means we have everyday low prices.† (Walmart, 2014). Currently the company does not have as such mission and vision statement while having one such statement may guide the customers and employees to integrate with the values and philosophy of the company. There are several internal and external factors that are responsible to generate opportunities as well as the threats for the company. Following is step by step evaluation of the factors through the matrices: The EFE matrix reveals that the company has been in relatively stronger position as the score is 2.81 which is greater than the average score of 2.5. However the score below 3.0 shows that the company is not in extraordinary position. The above internal evaluation reveals that the score is 2.92 which is above average i.e. 2.5 and is close to 3.0 and hence one can conclude that the company has been adequately strong from internal point of view. Its competitor company Costco Wholesale Corp has the current ratio of 1.19 and Target Corp has the ratio of 0.91 while the industry average is of 1.09. This shows that the company has not been able to maintain ability of fulfilling its short termed debts and in this regard it also lags behind its direct competitors. Its competitor company Costco Wholesale Corp has debt to equity of 4.75 and Target Corp with the ratio of 0.85 while that of industry is 6.95. This shows that